Why do people make time capsules?
Scrap books?
Why do people tivo their shows?
Why do we record any data, why do we take pictures?
...For memories.
Some memories are material.
Hard, solid, present material.
While others store in your brain.
The smell of the air while you took those pictures, what you did before and after those pictures were taken. The laughs that were off camera. The little antics in between. Those that were missed by technology and can only be kept merely by your own internal memory.
They last long.
Longer than any jpeg file that can be simply deleted by a click of a mouse.
Longer than any pieces of paper that can be burned.
Anyway, these memories are good because you know you won't lose them (unless you unfortunately hit your head and crack it open and have amnesia, or you all of a sudden at the age of 80 develop alzheimer's disease)
We preserve every good part of our lives with the means of pictures and videos and other memorabillas... that consist of pictures and videos and writings
So like any good thing, it comes with its cons. Cause you see...because these memories are built inside you.. they start to come with emotional attachment, now it's attached to you heart and brain, and you can't let go, can't delete, can't escape.
And I guess in life you would encounter someone that's able to defeat the purpose of their own internal memory.
Those people who choose to forget and simply just erase and delete any good memory, that YOU cannot or will never forget.
I may never learn how to do this, and I sure hope I never forget what this person did.
I wanna remember every single part of how we met and those little times in between that only I would remember now, because the other half is gone.
I wanna remember the feelings. Because I will never want to do this to anyone else.
and pathetic.
Inconsiderate, immature and cold.
I know I promised, nothing more about you.
but now that I'm out of that garbage hole I was in weeks ago,
And now that I've got out of my slump and happier than ever in life...
You are just,
Who cares?!
